Two Dogs Farm WS Mahjong
DOB: 08/08/2022
Grand Champion Jr Doe-ADGA
Grand Champion JR Doe- AGS
Reserve Grand Champion Senior Doe-ADGA-Joe Pilotte
Reserve Grand Champion Senior Doe-AGS
A beautiful long chocolate doe kid that we are excited to see develop. We are very impressed with her dam's second freshening udder. We know that it can only get better. We unfortunately lost her sire several months after Mahjong was born so she is that much more special to us. Mahjong did very well her first show season and earned her dry leg. She will be bred for spring of 2024 and show as a yearling milker. Her dam Pai Gow finished in ADGA as a 2 year old and has one more leg for AGS and NDGA. We are hoping Mahjong follows in her dams show tracks.
UPDATE: Mahjong kidded with triplets 4/8/24- 2 bucks and 1 doe. Her udder is beautiful just like I hoped for.
SSS: GCH Wood Bridge Farm Understated ++*B
SSD: Cuatlilredbarn Dutch Rose 5*M
SIRE: Two Dogs Farm DKP Weson
SDS: Castle Rock Leonidas
SD: Two Dogs Farm LN Sun 2*D *DD
SDD:Two Dogs Farm CED CDIM Charlie *M *D
Two Dogs Farm WS Mahjong
DSS: Lost Valley ML Montrachet *B *S
DS: Lost Valley MTE Killians Red +*S +*B
DSD: Lost Valley LG Just Sayin' 2*M 3*D
DAM: CH Two Dogs Farm KSR Pai Gow
DDS: Tempting Willows Ace of Spades *B
DD: Two Dogs Farm A Royal Flush
DDD: GCH/MCH Two Dogs Farm Malaysia 1*M 2*D *DD
DOB: 08/08/2022
Grand Champion Jr Doe-ADGA
Grand Champion JR Doe- AGS
Reserve Grand Champion Senior Doe-ADGA-Joe Pilotte
Reserve Grand Champion Senior Doe-AGS
A beautiful long chocolate doe kid that we are excited to see develop. We are very impressed with her dam's second freshening udder. We know that it can only get better. We unfortunately lost her sire several months after Mahjong was born so she is that much more special to us. Mahjong did very well her first show season and earned her dry leg. She will be bred for spring of 2024 and show as a yearling milker. Her dam Pai Gow finished in ADGA as a 2 year old and has one more leg for AGS and NDGA. We are hoping Mahjong follows in her dams show tracks.
UPDATE: Mahjong kidded with triplets 4/8/24- 2 bucks and 1 doe. Her udder is beautiful just like I hoped for.
SSS: GCH Wood Bridge Farm Understated ++*B
SSD: Cuatlilredbarn Dutch Rose 5*M
SIRE: Two Dogs Farm DKP Weson
SDS: Castle Rock Leonidas
SD: Two Dogs Farm LN Sun 2*D *DD
SDD:Two Dogs Farm CED CDIM Charlie *M *D
Two Dogs Farm WS Mahjong
DSS: Lost Valley ML Montrachet *B *S
DS: Lost Valley MTE Killians Red +*S +*B
DSD: Lost Valley LG Just Sayin' 2*M 3*D
DAM: CH Two Dogs Farm KSR Pai Gow
DDS: Tempting Willows Ace of Spades *B
DD: Two Dogs Farm A Royal Flush
DDD: GCH/MCH Two Dogs Farm Malaysia 1*M 2*D *DD
Two Dogs Farm WS Mahjong yearling first freshening udder.