Two Dogs Farm GV Gemma 2*D
DOB: 3/23/16
2 X Grand Champion Senior Doe-ADGA and AGS
2 X Grand Champion Junior Doe- ADGA and AGS
2 x Grand Champion Junior Doe- NDGA
Gemma was one of quads from one of Emilie's favorite doe Maci. Maci has an attitude like none other and it is a good thing she is so beautiful because at times she pushes the limits. Gemma, we hope, will be like her dam in a good way and avoid the "Queen" status her dam shows. Gemma is proving to be a wonderful show doe and needs one more leg to finish in ADGA and AGS.
SS: Caesar's Villa BT Samuel
Sire: Caesar's Villa SM Gulliver
SD: Caesar's Villa STS Greasy
Two Dogs Farm GV Gemma 2*D
DS: Heritage Acres T Little Rowdie
Dam: PGCH Two Dogs Farm Maci *D *DD VG
DD: Two Dogs Farm Hazel
We are located in Smithshire, Illinois near the Iowa Border